
 T here was a day when every Ravian (student of  Government College University, Lahore)  had mixed feelings with overwhelming heart some were so happy and excited, some were sad and some were neither happy nor sad. It was a day when winter vocations were announced by the federal minister of education and then by our university's officials... Winter vocations were not unusual but in this season these are extended from fifteen days to one and half month due to Covid-19. that's why we all had mixed feelings. and I captured some pictures and video clips to save these moments as a good memory.(link is given below). we had already been faced such a situation in the first lockdown with a long duration which experience was too bad so, that's why we do not want to face this kind of circumstances again but we had to endure it. best of luck all my university fellows.. have a safe journey ... stay safe, stay healthy, and always stay happy. see you soon InshaAllah.💓